
Remote-List 0.1.3

Remote-List plugin har en anden tilgang til at vise dropdown ordforslaget lister.I stedet for at bruge JavaScript arrays og skjulte HTML lister i sidens kode, fjernbetjening-List bruger JSON datafiler og en HTML5 DataList element for at skabe typeahead...


Knockback.js 1.0.0 Opdateret

They are MVC, respective MVVM frameworks for JavaScript, but each one with its own features and approach to Web development. Knockback.js merges their code to provide a more complete development framework. Download the stand-alone version of...


StickyTableHeaders 0.1.19 Opdateret

StickyTableHeaders can be incredibly useful when having to deal with very large HTML tables.In case you have hundreds or thousands of rows and both you and your users are easily loosing track of what each data column portrays while scrolling down the...

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