The Twitter library for Ruby was created from the need of a stable Ruby client for the ever-changing Twitter API.
With support always kept up to date and a very well documented codebase, this library is the must-go solution when needing to retrieve any kind of Twitter-related details.
The library can retrieve information and profile data like tweets, mentions, DMs, timeline streams, lists, friends, favorites, and many other more.
It can also search Twitter for users and terms, in case the retrieved data is not stored in a user's Twitter profile.
Usage instructions can be found in the project's README file.
What is new in this release:
- Added:
- Twitter::NullObject#respond_to?
- Twitter::Media::Video, Twitter::Media::VideoInfo, and Twitter::Media::Variant
- Twitter::Media::AnimatedGif media entity
What is new in version 5.14.0:
- Added:
- Twitter::NullObject#respond_to?
- Twitter::Media::Video, Twitter::Media::VideoInfo, and Twitter::Media::Variant
- Twitter::Media::AnimatedGif media entity
What is new in version 5.11.0:
- Returned a Twitter::NullObject for empty attributes
- Added iso_language_code attribute to Twitter::Metadata
What is new in version 5.9.0:
- Make Twitter::Place#id attribute accessible
- Enable injection of custom TCP/SSL socket classes
- Deprecate predicate methods without question marks
- Deprecate Twitter::Base#[]
- Remove statement that TweetStream is not 2.0.0-compatible
- Dont allow unacceptable IO objects in Twitter::REST::Client#update_with_media
- Add support for new REST API endpoint for bulk lookup of Tweets by ID
- Make the streaming API raise exceptions for status codes
- Call GET users/show if screen name has already been fetched
- Add the ability to set user_agent and proxy
- Use (immutable) user ID instead of (mutable) screen name
- Implement mute functionality
What is new in version 5.8.0:
- Alias Twitter::Tweet#reply? to Twitter::Tweet#in_reply_to_user_id?.
- Added Twitter::Error::SSL_REQUIRED error code.
- Twitter::Tweet#retweeted_status always returns the original tweet, not the retweet.
What is new in version 5.7.0:
- Removed:
- Twitter::Base.from_response method
- Twitter::REST::API namespace
- Descendants_tracker
- Unused HTTP_STATUS_CODE constants
- Twitter::Error#cause
What is new in version 5.4.1:
- Default to maximum number of tweets per request.
What is new in version 4.8.1:
- Allow use of Twitter::Token in place of bearer token string.
- Added Twitter::API::Undocumented#tweet_count.
- Added missing dependencies.
What is new in version 4.6.2:
- Fixed SystemStackError: stack level too deep when converting to JSON
- Added Twitter::Tweet#favorite_count
- Added Twitter::SearchResults#next_results?
What is new in version 4.5.0:
- Add no_retweet_ids method.
What is new in version 4.4.4:
- Fixed documentation bugs.
- Relaxed multi_json dependency.
What is new in version 4.4.2:
- Alias Twitter::DirectMessage#text to Twitter::DirectMessage#full_text
- Remove Kernel#calling_method
What is new in version 4.4.1:
- Fixed error for: Does not modify Thread.abort_on_exception.
What is new in version 4.3.0:
- Added support for Twitter::API#profile_banner.
What is new in version 4.2.0:
- Twitter::API#favorite no longer raises Twitter::Error::Forbidden.
- Twitter::API#retweet no longer raises Twitter::Error::Forbidden.
- Added Twitter::Error::AlreadyFavorited.
- Added Twitter::Error::AlreadyRetweeted.
What is new in version 3.7.0:
- Allow Tempfile to be passed to Twitter::API#update_with_media
- Set Content-Type header to multipart/form-data when uploading a file
- Do not attempt to parse bodies that only contain spaces
- Add Twitter::Tweet#entities? method
- Add Twitter::User#status? method
What is new in version 3.6.0:
- Rename Twitter::Status to Twitter::Tweet.
- Make Twitter::Cursor an Enumerable.
- Always define respond_to_missing? when overriding method_missing.
What is new in version 3.5.0:
- Add Twitter::API#related_results
- Alias Twitter::API#status_destroy to Twitter::API#tweet_destroy
- Alias Twitter::API#status_activity to Twitter::API#tweet_activity
What is new in version 3.4.0:
- Refactor retweeted_to and retweeted_by into multiple methods.
What is new in version 3.1.1:
- Add size option to Twitter::User#profile_image_url and Twitter::User#profile_image_url_https
- Make object equality more strict
- Pass options from Twitter::Client.user to Twitter::Client.verify_credentials
What is new in version 3.0.4:
- Make object equality more strict.
What is new in version 1.7.2:
- Update multi_xml dependency to 0.4.0.
- Add support for passing options directly to faraday.
- Deprecate Trends#trends_current and remove the XML response format.
What is new in version 1.4.1:
- Update multi_json dependency to version 1.0.0.
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