Highly efficient Admistration Panel and User friendly interface. It has all those features that a video sharing websit like Youtube & Metacafe has. It has Built in Messeging system with Social Networking Features. People can create their own channels, customize it and also can create groups to have a discussion.
Due to high demands of videos , it is very useful to have video sharing website and its a very easy way of earning money also, but such kind of scripts costs alot, therefore we provide an opensource video sharitwng script with alots of features, easily managable and fully secured.
It's one of the perfect tools to build an online community, portal or social network.
- General Features"
- Web 2.0 Graphics With Css Enabled Navigational Tabs
- "Recently Viewed Videos" displays on index page like youtube
- Top Ten Editor's Pick View on Index Page that is pick via admin Panel (Special Feature)
- Fully Functional User Control Panel
- Cloud Tags
- Search Videos
- View Member Channels and member stats
- Complete Member Channel System like youtube and metacafe
- Display Videos By Member and video
- Display Video Stats like (runtime,views,comments,rating..)
- Complete and Secured User signup and login system
- Only Active members can upload videos
- Uploaded Videos can be edited such as
- (Video Title, Categories, Description, Tags etc..)
- Edit Personal Profile and Channel
- Upload Channel Avatar
- Set Channel Featured Video
- Channel Comment System
- View Channel Videos, Favorites, Subscriptions and Contacts
- Signup Captcha
- Channel Views count and Channel Videos count
- Channel Last active
- Index Page Login Box
- Top 5 Members on Index page
- Youtube like index page (featured,recently added, mostly viewed) Videos
- User redirect to recently viewed page after loginInstallation and ConfigurationUploading And Chmod
- Upload All Files From Public_html Folder to your Root dir ie( www , public_html)
- Chmod Following to 777
- ‘Files' directory and all files and folders under it (Important)
- ‘Images' directory and all files and folders under it (Important)
- ‘Styles' directory and all files and folders under it
- ‘Includes/email_templates' and files under it
- ‘player' and files under it (Important)
- ‘Cache' directory (Important)
- ‘logs' directory and logs.txt (Important) Sql Dumping & Database Settings
- Create a database and Import the 'clipbucket_lite.sql' from Sql folder
- Now edit values in 'config' table as
- 'base_dir' to relative path to directory where clipbucket is installed ie /home/username/public_html (without trailing slash "/" at the end )
- 'base_url' to direct url to website where clipbucket is installed ie http://www.clip-bucket.com (without trailing slash "/" at the end )
- Now Edit 'includes/dbconnect.php' as
- $BDTYPE = 'mysql';
- $DBHOST = 'localhost' ; Change the Host (Default Host is localhost so you may not need to change this)
- $DBNAME = 'dbname'; Change this to the name of the database you created for clipbucket
- $DBUSER = 'dbuser'; Change this to the username of the databse you assigned to the clipbucket
- $DBPASS = 'password'; Change it to the password of the database
- now your website is almost ready to go, but you have to change some settings from the Administrator PanelSettings In Admin Panel
- First You have to access to the admin panel and by using this url http://yourwebsites.com/admin_area
- Enter username and password to login as Super Admin
- username : admin
- password : admin
- After Logging in go to Super Admin Settings
- Change the username and pass to whatever you want, but make is so complicate so that no one able to guess it
- Now Create an Admin by clicking 'Add Member' found under User Management Menu
- Fill The Form and Set its User Access Level to Admin and Submit it, and use this user as Admin
- Now logout and Login as Your newly created admin Setting Website Configurations Website Settings
- Website Title "Your Website Title" ie "Best Website"
- Website Slogan ie "We Are The Best";
- Website Closed (If You Are Editing or Doing Maintenance) Yes/No
- Website Closed Message is Displayed When You Have Closed Your Website
- Set Meta Description according to your website content
- Set Meta Keywords According to your website Content
- Turn on/of SEO Url Paths
- FFMPEG Binary Path (Set FFMPEG path, where FFMPEG is installed)
- FLVTool2 Path (Set Flv Tool 2 Path)
- Mencoder Path (Set Mencoder Path)
- Mplayer Path (Set Mplayer Path)
- PHP Path ( Set PHP Path) Video, Uploading and Conversion Settings
- Max Upload Size (Set the Maximum Size of the File you want to be uploaded )
- Video Comments (Turn on or off Video Comments) Yes/No
- Video Embedding (Turn on or off Video Embedding) Yes/No
- Video Rating (Turn on or off Video Rating) Yes/No
- Video Comments Rating (Turn on or off Video Comments Rating ) Yes/No
- Resize The Uploaded Video or Not
- if yes the Set Resize Height and Resized Width
- Set Other Video Settings Accordingly
- Keep Original File for Download (Turn on or off ) Yes/No
- Video Activation Required (Turn on or off ) Yes/No Display Settings
- Template Name ( Select Available Template From The list)
- Flash Player ( Select Available Flash Player From The list)
- Video List Per Page ( Number Of Videos List Per Page )
- Video List Per Box ( Number Of VIdeo List in a Box, Tab or other than Main or Videos Page)
- Channel List Per Page ( Number Of Channels List Per Page)
- Channels List Per Box ( Number OF Channels List Per Box , Tab or Other than main or Channels Page)
- Set Number Of Search Results Display
- Set Number of Recently Viewed Videos in a Flash Widget User Registration
- Turn On/Off User Registrations
- Set on/Off Email Verification
- PHP Configuration
- safe_mode = off
- max_execution_time = 1000 (recommended to prevent timeouts during video upload/conversion)
- session.gc_maxlifetime = 14000 (recommended to prevent session expires during video upload)
- open_basedir = (no value)
- output_buffering = on
- upload_max_filesize = 100M (recommended maximum video upload size in MB)
- post_max_size = 100M (recommended maximum video upload size in MB)
- GD Library 2 or higher
- FFMPEG Make Sure FFMPEG is Fully Updated because script will give errors with old versions of FFMPEG
- Mplayer + Mencoder
- Flv2tool
- Libogg + Libvorbis
- LAME MP3 Encoder
- CGI-BIN Access
- Apache mod_rewrite Enabled
- PHP Configuration (php.ini): register_argc_argv = On
- Must be able to run PHP from the command line (CLI) with exec()
- Allowed execution of background processes with exec("binary > /dev/null &")
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