Works by applying different filters on top of a canvas-loaded image.
Includes basic filters like colorize, colorize, threshold, Gauss, laplace, emboss, etc..
A demo is included with the download package.
What is new in this release:
- Add FILTER.Math routines and algorithms (interpolation, fourier transforms etc..)
- Add fft1d, fft2d fast fourier transform routines, image spectrum, frequency domain filtering
- Add nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic interpolation/resizing routines
- Add TGALoader, RGBELoader, GIFLoader generic/native image parsers/loaders
- New plugin: SeamlessTileFilter, create a seamless tileable pattern from an image
- New plugin: HaarDetector, detect image features using Viola-Jones-Lienhart openCV HAAR cascades algorithm (adapted from HAAR.js)
- New plugin: HalftoneFilter, create a halftoned/dithered image from target image
- PerlinNoiseFilter plugin enhancement enable fractal noise and turbulence, octave noise and seamless noise
- Filters/plugins can transmit metadata (e.g HaarDetector) to pass additional information which is not necessarily an image
What is new in version 0.7:
- Add FILTER.Math routines and algorithms (interpolation, fourier transforms etc..)
- Add fft1d, fft2d fast fourier transform routines, image spectrum, frequency domain filtering
- Add nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic interpolation/resizing routines
- Add TGALoader, RGBELoader, GIFLoader generic/native image parsers/loaders
- New plugin: SeamlessTileFilter, create a seamless tileable pattern from an image
- New plugin: HaarDetector, detect image features using Viola-Jones-Lienhart openCV HAAR cascades algorithm (adapted from HAAR.js)
- New plugin: HalftoneFilter, create a halftoned/dithered image from target image
- PerlinNoiseFilter plugin enhancement enable fractal noise and turbulence, octave noise and seamless noise
- Filters/plugins can transmit metadata (e.g HaarDetector) to pass additional information which is not necessarily an image
What is new in version 0.6.18 / 0.7-alpha2:
- Updated buildtools/dependencies
- Minor changes
What is new in version 0.6.18 / 0.7-alpha:
- Updated buildtools/dependencies
- Minor changes
What is new in version 0.6.14:
- Removed PublishSubscribe for implementing generic filter/image events
- Heavy refactor/optimize/minimize
What is new in version 0.6.13:
- Use Asynchronous.js for parallel/async filter tasks
- Use PublishSubscribe for implementing generic filter/image events
What is new in version 0.6.12:
- Use Color Class from to enhance FILTER.Color
- (Re-)add *apply* method to Image Class (shorthand to Filter.apply method)
What is new in version 0.6.10:
- More parallel options, external script path options.
- Typos/edits.
What is new in version 0.6.3:
- Added new plugin Threshold
- Minor fixes for cross-browser support
- Typos/edits
- Added Sound Visualization example
- Updated examples with new filters
What is new in version 0.3.2:
- Added new ColorMatrixFilters, channel().
What is new in version 0.2:
- Refactored Code to use closures (more modular).
- Added exCanvas script for Browsers that do not support Canvas.
- JavaScript enabled on client side
- HTML5 Canvas enabled browser
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