Software detaljer:
Version: 0.23.2 Opdateret
Upload dato: 10 Dec 15
Licens: Gratis
Popularitet: 279
pygit2 is actually a Python binding to the libgit2 linkable C Git library.
Works with:
Inspect the status
Other language bindings for libgit2:
Ruby - Rugged
Objective-C - Objective Git
C# - LibGit2Sharp
PHP - php-git
Lua - luagit2
Delphi - GitForDelphi
Node.js - Gitteh and/or nodegit
Go - go-git
oCaml - libgit2-ocaml
Erlang - Geef
.NET - libgit2net
Haskell - hgit2
What is new in this release:
- Updated to libgit2 v0.22
- Added support for libgit2 feature detection (new pygit2.features and pygit2.GIT_FEATURE_*)
- New Repository.remotes (RemoteCollection)
What is new in version 0.22.1:
- Updated to libgit2 v0.22
- Added support for libgit2 feature detection (new pygit2.features and pygit2.GIT_FEATURE_*)
- New Repository.remotes (RemoteCollection)
What is new in version 0.22.0:
- Updated to libgit2 v0.22
- Added support for libgit2 feature detection (new pygit2.features and pygit2.GIT_FEATURE_*)
- New Repository.remotes (RemoteCollection)
What is new in version 0.21.1:
- New Repository.state_cleanup()
- New Index.conflicts
- New checkout option to define the target directory
- Documentation improved
- Documentation, use the read-the-docs theme
- Coding style improvements
What is new in version 0.20.1:
- Fixed deprecation warnings.
What is new in version 0.19.1:
- Remote.push(refspec)
- Tag.get_object()
- Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.1 and 3.2
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