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Pakken indeholder installationsfilerne til SiS 7012 Audio Driver-version at manuelt at opdatere din driver ved at følge nedenstående trin (de næste trin):1. Gå til Enhedshåndtering (højreklik på Denne computer, vælg Administrer og derefter...
New Features: - The Macro Editor now supports Text Macros. You can save a block of text in the Macro Editor, and have it entered into your favorite game or application. - SSE3 now has the ability to Live Record macros. This allows allows you to create new...
New Features: - The Macro Editor now supports Text Macros. You can save a block of text in the Macro Editor, and have it entered into your favorite game or application. - SSE3 now has the ability to Live Record macros. This allows allows you to create new...
New Features: - The Macro Editor now supports Text Macros. You can save a block of text in the Macro Editor, and have it entered into your favorite game or application. - SSE3 now has the ability to Live Record macros. This allows allows you to create new...
New Features: - The Macro Editor now supports Text Macros. You can save a block of text in the Macro Editor, and have it entered into your favorite game or application. - SSE3 now has the ability to Live Record macros. This allows allows you to create new...
Fejlrettelser: - Rettet en sjælden nedbrud, når du opgraderer SteelSeries Engine på OS X. - Rettet dialogen skjul anordning viser den forkerte enhedsnavn i nogle tilfælde. - Faste meta lag taster på Apex M800 blive beskadiget, når der tildeles på...
Nye funktioner: - OS X 10.11 El Capitan støtte er blevet tilføjet. - SteelSeries Engine frontend nu kører på Electron. - Ydelse læsseindretningen config vinduer forbedres. - Den GameSense SDK har nu rutiner for at slette spil og spil-events....
New devices supported: - Apex 300 - Apex 350 - Rival 300 - Siberia 650 - Siberia 150Bug Fixes: - Fixed an issue where the SteelSeries tray icon would continue to run after uninstalling the Engine on Mac. - Fixed an issue where a device’s default...
Fejlrettelser: - GameSense arbejder nu med den nye Dota 2 Reborn opdatering. Om Headset Drivers: Når headset er tilsluttet, operativsystemet normalt installerer en generisk driver, der hjælper computeren til at genkende den nyligt tilsluttede enhed og...