Nye funktioner: - Det Makro Editor understøtter nu Tekst makroer. Du kan gemme en blok af tekst i Makro Editor, og få den trådte i din foretrukne spil eller program. - SSE3 har nu mulighed for at leve Optag makroer. Dette giver giver dig mulighed for at...

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New Features: - The Macro Editor now supports Text Macros. You can save a block of text in the Macro Editor, and have it entered into your favorite game or application. - SSE3 now has the ability to Live Record macros. This allows allows you to create new...

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CPU: - Intel Socket 1150 for 4. generation Core i7 / Core i5 / Core i3 / Pentium / Celeron processorer - Understøtter Intel 22 nm CPU - Understøtter Intel Turbo Boost-teknologi 2.0 - Intel Turbo Boost-teknologi 2.0 support afhænger af CPU-typer. Chipset:...

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