

Klik på nedenstående links for føreren pakken readme info:... / ekstrakt / Readme.txtDenne pakke understøtter følgende driver modeller: telefonmodem Serial Wave Device GTW V.92 Modem Virtual DOS-enhed GTW V.92 Modem Krav : Windows NT 4 SP 6 ...

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279c_w98.zip 4.06.1096

Denne pakke understøtter følgende driver modeller: CMI8738 / C3DX PCI Audio Device C-Media PCI Audio Legacy Device DOS-tilstand MPU-401 Emulator porten til joystick Krav : Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP 1 Windows XP AMD 64-bit ...

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Denne pakke understøtter følgende driver modeller: ATI Fire GL2 Video Accelerator ATI Fire GL4 Video Accelerator Krav : Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP 1 Windows XP AMD 64-bit Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 Windows NT 4 SP 2 Windows 2000 SP...

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SP18967.exe 4.0.1381.2078

Denne pakke understøtter følgende driver modeller: ATI Fire GL2 Video Accelerator ATI Fire GL3 Video Accelerator ATI Fire GL4 Video Accelerator Krav : Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP 1 Windows XP AMD 64-bit Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 ...

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2078nt4.exe 4.0.1381.2078

Denne pakke understøtter følgende driver modeller: ATI Fire GL2 Video Accelerator ATI Fire GL3 Video Accelerator ATI Fire GL4 Video Accelerator Krav : Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP 1 Windows XP AMD 64-bit Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 ...

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2078w2k.exe 5.12.2195.2078

Denne pakke understøtter følgende driver modeller: ATI Fire GL2 Video Accelerator ATI Fire GL3 Video Accelerator ATI Fire GL4 Video Accelerator Krav : Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP 1 Windows XP AMD 64-bit Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 ...

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Denne pakke understøtter følgende driver modeller: HP LaserJet 2200 Series PS USB Printing Support Krav : Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP 1 Windows XP AMD 64-bit Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 Windows NT 4 SP 2 Windows 2000 SP 1 Windows...

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Dell M782

Dell M782 1.0

Click on the following links for the driver package readme info:.../extract/Readme.txt This package supports the following driver models:Dell M782 Requirements:Windows NT 4 SP 6Windows 2003 SP 1Windows XP AMD 64-bitWindows XP 64-bit SP 1Windows NT 4 SP...

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Denne pakke understøtter følgende driver modeller: Brother FAX2900 Brother FAX3800 Brother FAX2850 Krav : Windows NT 4 SP 6 Windows 2003 SP 1 Windows XP AMD 64-bit Windows XP 64-bit SP 1 Windows NT 4 SP 2 Windows 2000 SP 1 Windows...

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