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Populære software
prettyGallery 6 Jun 15
SpotLight 5 Jun 15
3D Thumbnail Hover Effects 5 Jun 15
ZXing 10 Dec 15
Away3D 13 May 15
Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow 13 May 15
TinyFader 6 Jun 15
Ny Grafisk design scripts Til Web
ZXing 3.2.1 Opdateret
Supports multiple international formats and has support for iOS and Android.What is new in this release:Several bug fixes, especially for Data Matrix and PDF417 parsing Retired jRuby binding Barcode Scanner can now disable history What is new in version...
Lazy Load 1.9.7 Opdateret
All images not shown on screen will be loaded only when the viewport (visible area of the screen) is scrolled down over them. This is opposite of image preloading. Using lazy load on long web pages containing many large images makes the page load...
imacss 1.0.0 Opdateret
In recent years it has become a recommended practice of embedding the image themselves inside CSS files instead of loading them via separate HTTP requests. This procedure detailed and encouraged by Google's SEO team reduces the number of HTTP...
Layzr.js 1.4.3 Opdateret
Layzr.js works by telling the user's browser to postpone the loading of image files shown out of the viewport, delaying them to the moment when the user scrolls down the page and the images either enter the page or come to rest near the...
nanoGALLERY 5.9.1 Opdateret
nanoGALLERY can display images in a folder>file-like structure. Images are shown as clickable thumbs, which will expand to full view via a modal popup window. A demo is included with the download package.What is new in this release:Gallery rendering:...
AnythingZoomer 2.2.3
Det vil zoome et område omkring musemarkøren når svævende over billeder, tekst, HTML strukturer eller alle på én gang. En demo er inkluderet i...
FILTER.js 0.7.2 Opdateret
Works by applying different filters on top of a canvas-loaded image. Includes basic filters like colorize, colorize, threshold, Gauss, laplace, emboss, etc.. A demo is included with the download package.What is new in this release:Add FILTER.Math routines...
Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.5.38 Opdateret
The Coppermine Photo Gallery, or simply Coppermine, uses GD or ImageMagick as an image processing toolkit and works on top of a MySQL backend. Everyone on the Internet knows what Coppermine is and what's it for, most people using or accessing such a...
Cloud Zoom 3.1 rev 1507231015 / 1.0.3 Opdateret
Cloud Zoom works by loading a smaller image at page load first. If the user hovers his mouse over the thumb, the real image is retrieved in the background of the page and a preview panel is shown next to the mouse or thumb with the image at its natural...
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- Webudvikling software
Populære software
PhotoCradle.js 14 Apr 15
Responsive Full Background Image Using CSS 13 May 15
WSN Gallery 11 Mar 16
TinyPNG (Python) 1 Mar 15
Skitter 19 Jul 15
PanoJS 6 Jun 15
FastImage (Ruby) 10 Dec 15