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Populære software
RazorEngine 10 Feb 16
Apache Chemistry CMIS for Java 12 Apr 15
Progress 1 Mar 15
Postjoy 13 Apr 15
Pathname2 13 May 15
Nude.js 6 Jun 15
rdf-spec 10 Dec 15
Ny Flere Udviklingsværktøjer scripts Til Web
modulejs 1.9.0 Opdateret
modulejs is similar to RequireJS and was built on top of Underscore.js. This tool can be used as a way to organize a JS project's code into small modules, and then loading them using a module loader whenever needed. modulejs can be used with...
clinch 1.0.3 Opdateret
AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) modules work mainly with CommonJS, an unofficial standard for server-side JavaScript. Most of the times, CommonJS-comliant code doesn't run properly inside the browser, being specially written for server-side JS...
node-plist 1.2.0 Opdateret
Besides jut parsing, node-plist can also convert .plist files to JavaScript objects as well.The opposite operation (JavaScript object to .plist) is also supported.JavaScript objects should not be confused with JSON. JSON is not supported by...
JGroups 3.6.6.Final Opdateret
JGroups allows developers to create reliable multipoint (multicast) applications where reliability is a deployment issue, and does not have to be implemented by the application developer.This saves application developers significant amounts of time, and...
jsonparse 1.1.0 Opdateret
Written in stand-alone JavaScript, this library can be used to parse streaming JSON data. It is extremely lightweight at under 400 lines of code. An examples is provided with the download package.What is new in this release:Now npm friendly. What is new...
Fabrication 2.14.1 Opdateret
Fabrication supports DataMapper, ActiveRecord, Mongoid, Sequel, or normal Ruby objects. It provides a common interface for generating objects based on a preset config. Compatible with Cucumber and Rails 3.x.What is new in this release:Fix typo in rake...
Faye 1.1.2 Opdateret
It provides message servers for Rack and Node.js. Client applications for use in Node.js, Ruby programs and in the browserare also available.What is new in this release:Specify ciphers for SSL on Node to mitigate the BEAST attack Mitigate...
ROO 2.1.1 Opdateret
Only read-access is currently supported, an exception is the Google spreadsheet, where write access is permitted. Please note that the upper left cell of a table is numbered (1,1) or (1,‘A’) (not 0,0).What is new in this release:Fix: Excelx...
Apache Woden 1.0M10
Apache Woden er skrevet til at arbejde med den officielle W3C WSDL 2.0-specifikationen. WSDL er et kodesprog baseret på XML, der giver en måde at beskrive og interagere med netværk og webtjenester og deres endepunkter. Woden giver en Java API interface...
Søg efter kategori
- Audio software
- Audio-scripts
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- Business & kontorsoftware
- Desktop ekstraudstyr
- Digital foto software
- Disk & fil software
- File Tools scripts
- Game scripts
- Grafisk design scripts
- Grafisk design software
- Hjem & familie software
- Internet software
- Kommunikation scripts
- Kommunikationssoftware
- Kontor & scripts
- Moduler
- Netværkssoftware
- Netværksværktøjer scripts
- Produktivitet software
- Produktivitetsforbedringer værktøjer scripts
- Rejser & navigationssoftware
- Sikkerhedssoftware
- Sikringssystemer & Encryption scripts
- Spil
- Systemværktøjer
- Uddannelsesmæssige & Science Tools scripts
- Uddannelsesmæssige og videnskab software
- Udviklingsværktøjer
- Udviklingsværktøjer scripts
- ActionScript klasser
- Ajax scripts
- Analyse af webtrafik scripts
- Api værktøjer scripts
- Autentificering scripts
- Captcha scripts
- CMS scripts
- Compilere scripts
- Databaseværktøjer scripts
- Formular validator scripts
- Formularer og kontrol scripts
- HTML Værktøj scripts
- Klik sporingsscripts
- Menuer & navigations scripts
- Mobile udviklingsværktøjer scripts
- Modal vindue scripts
- Php klasser
- Programmeringsværktøjer scripts
- Rammer scripts
- SEO værktøjer scripts
- Skyderen scripts
- Snippet scripts
- Statisk websted generatorer
- Søgemaskiner & link indeksering scripts
- Testværktøjer scripts
- Ui komponenter
- UI og css rammer
- Web server scripts
- Wiki-systemer
- WYSIWYG editorer
- XML-værktøjer scripts
- Flere Udviklingsværktøjer scripts
- Underholdning og hobby software
- Video scripts
- Video software
- Webudvikling software
Populære software
Clippy 10 Apr 16
LeapJS 1 Mar 15
Ya2YAML 12 May 15
PyFPDF 6 Jun 15
WideImage 6 Jun 15
Apache Chemistry CMIS for Java 12 Apr 15
Apache Axiom 6 Mar 16