Bedst Software Til Business Spreadsheets
The Excel Investment and Business Valuation template is ideal for evaluating a wide range of investment, financial analysis and business plan scenarios. Business valuation is based on the traditional discounted cash flow method but also evaluates economic...
Excel Portfolio Tracking-skabelonen muliggør løbende overvågning og periodisk vurdering af en portefølje af finansielle investeringer. Modellen tillader indtastning af investeringstransaktioner i en rapporteringsperiode for at beregne præstationer....
The Excel Project Management template for Mac is designed as a generic Excel based solution to plan and manage projects. The ability to build the project budget as tasks are identified assists with the requirements for business case project proposals,...
The Project Management template for Excel is designed as a generic Excel based solution to plan and manage projects. The ability to build the project budget as tasks are identified assists with the requirements for business case project proposals,...
The Excel invoice template is a complete customer invoicing system with the ability to store invoices, products and customers as well as monitor inventory levels and perform advanced invoice sales reporting. The architecture of the Excel invoice template...
Porteføljeoptimeringsskabelonen identificerer de optimale kapitalvægtninger for en portefølje af finansielle investeringer, der giver det højeste afkast for den laveste risiko baseret på afkastrisikoprofilen og sammenhængen mellem individuelle...
Excel Project Management Template er designet som en generisk løsning til at planlægge og styre ethvert projekt. Opbygningen af budgettet som opgaver identificeres letter processerne for business case forslag, værdiansættelse og finansiering. Fremskridt...
Obligationsrenteberegningen for Excel eller Open Office Calc gør det muligt automatisk at generere planlagte obligationsbetalinger og beregne det resulterende udbytte til modenhed. Excel-obligatorisk regnemaskine er designet til at håndtere ulige første...
The Real Option Valuation template combines a set of option pricing tools to quantify the embedded strategic value for a range of financial analysis and investment scenarios. Traditional discounted cash flow investment analysis will only accept an...
The Multiple Regression Analysis and Forecasting template enables the confident identification of value drivers and forecasting business plan or scientific data. The multiple regression process utilizes commonly employed statistical measures to test the...