Top Software Til Windows NT
'Convert Document to Image' is an fast, easy and accurate tool to used to convert DOC, PDF, TXT, RTF, HTML to TIFF, JPG, BMP and 20 other image file types. Batch capable. Command line available. Convert Document to Image' can be especially useful if you...
Du forlanger hurtige og præcise dokument sammenligninger, og nu kan du få det. »Diff Doc 'er endnu en kraftfuld nem at bruge mappe / fil sammenligne og oprydning nytte. Brug den til at sammenligne filer af alle typer, herunder MS Word / Excel /...
Convert Image is a graphic file converter for JPG, GIF, TIF, BMP, EMF, PNG, PCX, TGA, WMF, RAS, and J2K. Automate your conversions with the built in scheduler, or the command line interface. A COM/ActiveX interface is also available for programmers. In...
'Convert Doc' is a simple to use, yet sophisticated document conversion utility. If you need to convert/manipulate thousands of files with a variety of file types located within many folders in a short period of time, this is the tool. 'Convert Doc' can...
Convert Image to PDF is a simple to use, yet sophisticated file conversion utility specifically designed to convert images into PDF files. If you need to convert one or thousands of files, located in one or many different folders, into a variety of...
Convert XLS is an Excel, CSV, XML, and text file conversion or manipulation utility (Excel not required for conversions). Convert XLS comes with numerous specialized processes including: Copy specific sheet data from one worksheet to another within the...
Convert PDF to Image is a simple to use, yet sophisticated file conversion utility specifically designed to convert PDF into image files (TIF, JPG, BMP, GIF). If you need to convert one or thousands of files, located in one or many different folders, into...
Convert PowerPoint is a PowerPoint conversion utility. Convert PowerPoint files to DOC, RTF, TXT, HTM, JPG, GIF, BMP, TIF, PNG, EMF, and WMF. If you need to convert thousands of files with a variety of file types located within many folders in a short...
Microsoft Outlook er langt den mest magtfulde og populære e-mail-program i verden. At være en del af standarden Microsoft Office-pakken, er det installeret på millioner af computere og bruges af enkeltpersoner, virksomheder og offentlige organisationer...
Aiseesoft Gratis MXF Converter kan hjælpe brugerne konvertere MXF filer skyde fra Panasonic P2 videokamera, Canon XF videokamera osv til AVI, MP4, MOV, WMV, HD AVI, HD MP4, HD MOV, HD WMV video og MP3-formater til populære video redigeringssoftware, som...