FlexSlider comes with plenty of features and settings to customize, allowing easy customization to fit any page design or UI.
A demo is provided with the download package.
What is new in this release:
- CSS fix for pausePlay play icon.
- Firefox touchstart event fix.
- Compatibility change for jQuery to 1.7.0+.
- Adds customDirectionNav param for custom navigation controls.
What is new in version 2.5.0:
- CSS fix for pausePlay play icon.
- Firefox touchstart event fix.
- Compatibility change for jQuery to 1.7.0+.
- Adds customDirectionNav param for custom navigation controls.
What is new in version 2.4.0:
- Fix for pauseInvisible attribute for Chrome and the Page Visibility API.
What is new in version 2.3.0:
- Fix for pauseInvisible attribute for Chrome and the Page Visibility API.
What is new in version 2.2.2:
- Fixes minified JavaScript file to remove merge conflicts.
What is new in version 2.1:
- Solves many issues around thumbnail slider navigation and other misc fixes.
What is new in version 1.8:
- Added "slider.manualPause" that is set by the pausePlay element and can be set via the callback API. This will prevent pauseOnHover from resuming on hover exit.
- Removed "touchswipe" property as a customizable options.
- Fixed behavior in slides with only two slides. Scrolling should happen as intended.
- Fixed pausePlay element bind to trigger both touchstart and click.
- CSS3 transform3d support for webkit browsers coupled with 1-to-1 swiping has been introduced. The entire touch swipe experience has been vastly improved beyond comparison to previous versions.
- New resize event handling to nix the old behavior. Slides not stay in place, rather than moving around and then sliding back.
- Added "slideDirection" property to support "vertical" or "horizontal" sliding directions
- Added "mousewheel" property to support mousewheel scrolling of slide elements.
- JavaScript enabled on client side
- jQuery
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